Home - FusionCom
FusionCom est spécialisée dans la fibre optique, la câblodistribution et le câblage structuré Specialized in fibre optics, TV cabling and structured cabling
Prewiring, structured cabling, Alarm system wiring, Security system wiring, Camera system wiring, Fibre optics, Communications, Coaxial cable installation, Telephone wiring, Computer system wiring, Installation of telephone, television and/or Internet services, Network maintenance and upgrades, Fibre optic installation and fusion splicing, Installation of indoor cable networks, Installation of satellite television services, Installation of microwave technology, Assembly and disassembly of DMX towers
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Our FusionCom solutions

FusionCom specializes in fibre optics, TV cabling and structured cabling

Our values

FusionCom’s mission is to offer service that combines quality, transparency, commitment and expertise.

Health and safety

FusionCom stands out for many reasons, including employee safety, which is at the heart of everything we do. No detail is overlooked when ensuring the safety of employees working at a height.

More information about the company

FusionCom specializes in fibre optics, TV cabling and structured cabling.

We offer reliable, friendly and professional turnkey services in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.

Controle FusionCom

What do our clients say about our work?

Contact us for an assessment of your project